[remove] maas-provision

Bug #975473 reported by Jamie Strandboge
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released
Launchpad Red Squad
maas (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
Andres Rodriguez
Fix Released
Fix Released
Andres Rodriguez
maas-provision (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
Andres Rodriguez
Won't Fix
Andres Rodriguez
Fix Released
Andres Rodriguez

Bug Description

Please remove maas-provision from the archives:

== Release ==

Please remove from Quantal.

== Packages to remove ==

Please remove both, the source packages and the binary packages ==

== Rationale ==

This package should be removed due to the fact that maas-provision is a code copy from cobbler, and was only used for MAAS. MAAS has stopped using it, hence it is no longer required.

== rdepends ==

roaksoax@pursue:~/Desktop/project/maas-whole$ reverse-depends maas-provision
No reverse dependencies found

== Comments ==

This is a tracking bug for a dependency of the maas MIR (bug #961344) and maas-provision MIR (bug #950193).

maas-provision uses a code copy of cobbler, and cobbler is not something we want to support long term.

Changed in maas:
status: New → Triaged
importance: Undecided → High
Changed in maas (Ubuntu Precise):
importance: Undecided → High
tags: added: tech-debt
affects: maas (Ubuntu Precise) → maas-provision (Ubuntu Precise)
summary: - eliminate cobbler dependency
+ eliminate cobbler code copy
description: updated
Changed in maas-provision (Ubuntu Precise):
milestone: precise-updates → ubuntu-12.04.1
assignee: nobody → Ubuntu Server Team (ubuntu-server)
Changed in maas:
assignee: nobody → Launchpad Red Squad (redsquad)
status: Triaged → In Progress
Changed in maas-provision (Ubuntu Precise):
assignee: Ubuntu Server Team (ubuntu-server) → Andres Rodriguez (andreserl)
Changed in maas-provision (Ubuntu Quantal):
assignee: nobody → Andres Rodriguez (andreserl)
James Page (james-page)
Changed in maas-provision (Ubuntu Precise):
milestone: ubuntu-12.04.1 → precise-updates
Changed in maas:
status: In Progress → Fix Released
Changed in maas (Ubuntu Quantal):
assignee: nobody → Andres Rodriguez (andreserl)
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote : Re: eliminate cobbler code copy

This bug was fixed in the package maas - 0.1+bzr971+dfsg-0ubuntu1

maas (0.1+bzr971+dfsg-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (LP: #1044367)

  [ Julian Edwards ]
  * Fix 02-pserv-config.patch to handle new default tftp directory

  [ Andres Rodriguez ]
  * debian/maas.postinst:
    - include '/MAAS' for DEFAULT_MAAS_URL.(LP: #1033956)
    - Update bzr version to safely upgrade.
  * Add maas-dns package that configures DNS in MAAS (LP: #1030860)
  * Remove cobbler related bits
    - debian/maas.postinst: Drop cobbler configuration
    - debian/maas.install: Drop installation of snippets/preseeds.
    - debian/control:
      + Drop Depends on maas-provision. (LP: #975473)
      + Depends on bind9utils.
      + Depends on python-lockfile (LP: #1037400)
      Add necessary Conflicts/Replaces. Add conflicts to tftpd-hpa and dnsmasq.
      Depends on isc-dhcp-server for maas-dhcp, and syslinux-common.
    - debian/extras/maas-provision: Add missing "$@" (LP: #1040462)
    - debian/patches:
      + 02-pserv-config.patch: Updated. Do not patch cobbler related bits.
        patch tftp config to default.
  * maas-dhcp: Re-add to handle initial configuration of MAAS DHCP server.
  * Allow restart of 'isc-dhcp-server' by adding a sudoers file:
    - debian/extras/99-maas-sudoers: Added.
    - debian/maas.install: Install 99-maas-sudoers
  * Minor improvements on dbconfig-common handling:
    - debian/maas.config: Only call dbc_go when scripts present.
    - debian/maas.postrm: Only call dbc_go when config file exists.
  * debian/maas.maas-celery.upstart: Enable Beat and set scheduler db file.
  * debian/maas-dns.postinst: Set correct permissions. (LP: #1042868)
  * debian/maas-dhcp.config:
    - Ask whether we want to enable DHCP (LP: #1044229)
    - Add debconf question for network interfaces
  * debian/maas.prerm: Stop services before removing database (LP: #1044559)
 -- Andres Rodriguez <email address hidden> Thu, 02 Aug 2012 09:01:43 -0400

Changed in maas (Ubuntu Quantal):
status: New → Fix Released
description: updated
summary: - eliminate cobbler code copy
+ [remove] maas-provision
Revision history for this message
Dave Walker (davewalker) wrote :

Removing packages:
 maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal
  maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal amd64
  maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal armel
  maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal armhf
  maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal i386
  maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal powerpc
  maas-provision-common 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal amd64
  maas-provision-common 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal armel
  maas-provision-common 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal armhf
  maas-provision-common 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal i386
  maas-provision-common 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal powerpc
  python-maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal amd64
  python-maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal armel
  python-maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal armhf
  python-maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal i386
  python-maas-provision 2.2.2-0ubuntu4 in quantal powerpc
Comment: deprecated duplication of cobbler that is no longer used - LP: #975473
1 package successfully removed.

Changed in maas-provision (Ubuntu Quantal):
status: Triaged → Fix Released
Changed in maas-provision (Ubuntu Precise):
status: Triaged → Won't Fix
Changed in maas (Ubuntu Precise):
status: New → Fix Released
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