To enable DNS we need to:
- make sure that bind9 (Installs bind9utils) python-netaddr are installed (new dependencies)
- make sure that the directory /etc/bind/maas (etc/ is created
- call `sudo maas set_up_dns` (this will create an empty [i.e. no DNS zone] configuration with the required rndc key in etc/ : /etc/bind/maas)
- add the result of `sudo get_named_conf` to named.conf.local
- restart bind9
How to test this:
$ sudo maas shell
from import call_command
from maasserver.models import DHCPLease, NodeGroup, Node, MACAddress
# Create the master nodegroup, jtv is fixing the code to get that done as part of a migration
call_command('config_master_dhcp', subnet_mask='', broadcast_ip='', ip_range_low= '', ip_range_high= '', router_ip='')
# At this stage, the zone is defined and all the auto-generated hostname are in place:
# dig @ 10-111-123-9.master +short
# Create a node in that nodegroup. Its hostname is 'myhostname'
master = NodeGroup.objects.get(id=1)
node = Node(hostname='myhostname', nodegroup=master)
mac = MACAddress(node=node, mac_address='11:22:33:44:55:66')
# Create a lease for that node:
DHCPLease.objects.update_leases(master, {'': '11:22:33:44:55:66'})
# Now the hostname of the node can be queried:
# dig @ myhostname.master +short
This bug was fixed in the package maas - 0.1+bzr971+ dfsg-0ubuntu1
--------------- dfsg-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
maas (0.1+bzr971+
* New upstream release (LP: #1044367)
[ Julian Edwards ] config. patch to handle new default tftp directory
* Fix 02-pserv-
[ Andres Rodriguez ] maas.postinst: maas.postinst: Drop cobbler configuration maas.install: Drop installation of snippets/preseeds. extras/ maas-provision: Add missing "$@" (LP: #1040462) config. patch: Updated. Do not patch cobbler related bits. extras/ 99-maas- sudoers: Added. maas.install: Install 99-maas-sudoers maas.maas- celery. upstart: Enable Beat and set scheduler db file. maas-dns. postinst: Set correct permissions. (LP: #1042868) maas-dhcp. config:
* debian/
- include '/MAAS' for DEFAULT_MAAS_URL.(LP: #1033956)
- Update bzr version to safely upgrade.
* Add maas-dns package that configures DNS in MAAS (LP: #1030860)
* Remove cobbler related bits
- debian/
- debian/
- debian/control:
+ Drop Depends on maas-provision. (LP: #975473)
+ Depends on bind9utils.
+ Depends on python-lockfile (LP: #1037400)
Add necessary Conflicts/Replaces. Add conflicts to tftpd-hpa and dnsmasq.
Depends on isc-dhcp-server for maas-dhcp, and syslinux-common.
- debian/
- debian/patches:
+ 02-pserv-
patch tftp config to default.
* maas-dhcp: Re-add to handle initial configuration of MAAS DHCP server.
* Allow restart of 'isc-dhcp-server' by adding a sudoers file:
- debian/
- debian/
* Minor improvements on dbconfig-common handling:
- debian/maas.config: Only call dbc_go when scripts present.
- debian/maas.postrm: Only call dbc_go when config file exists.
* debian/
* debian/
* debian/
- Ask whether we want to enable DHCP (LP: #1044229)
- Add debconf question for network interfaces
* debian/maas.prerm: Stop services before removing database (LP: #1044559)
-- Andres Rodriguez <email address hidden> Thu, 02 Aug 2012 09:01:43 -0400