commit 106dd46101f536359df984394b5994f911df4912
Author: Mehdi Abaakouk <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 7 15:49:54 2015 +0100
rabbit: fix timeout timer when duration is None
When the duration of the timeout timer used in the rabbit
None and we want that the timer return a maximum of N secs it return None
(infinite) instead of N.
This change fixes that.
Closes-bug: #1408370
(cherry picked from commit 44132d4344902f98007e6e58ea3bee56c701b400)
Change-Id: I7f4cb3075f776c63aa7dc497173677f92b68c16d
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/174457 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ oslo.messaging/ commit/ ?id=106dd46101f 536359df984394b 5994f911df4912
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/icehouse
commit 106dd46101f5363 59df984394b5994 f911df4912
Author: Mehdi Abaakouk <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 7 15:49:54 2015 +0100
rabbit: fix timeout timer when duration is None
When the duration of the timeout timer used in the rabbit
None and we want that the timer return a maximum of N secs it return None
(infinite) instead of N.
This change fixes that.
Closes-bug: #1408370
(cherry picked from commit 44132d4344902f9 8007e6e58ea3bee 56c701b400) 63aa7dc49717367 7f92b68c16d
Change-Id: I7f4cb3075f776c