Any window with a non-1.0 (less than 0xff) alpha or X channel gets discoloured when alt+tabbing:
mir_demo_client_egltriangle -b 0.2 -- --desktop_file_hint=unity8
And you have to keep in mind that the 'X' byte might be uninitialized, so another good test case is:
Xmir :0 -rootless -flatten -sw --desktop_file_hint=unity8
env DISPLAY=:0 gedit
and then Alt+Tab.
Observed: Parts of the window in the switcher are discoloured/whiter. This is Unity8 treating the uninitialized X byte as an alpha byte. Although even RGBA windows get discoloured with low values of A.
Observed: In the background the fullscreen blur is also faulty -- it's clearer and not blurred in the same regions as are affected by the first issue.
Any window with a non-1.0 (less than 0xff) alpha or X channel gets discoloured when alt+tabbing: client_ egltriangle -b 0.2 -- --desktop_ file_hint= unity8
And you have to keep in mind that the 'X' byte might be uninitialized, so another good test case is: file_hint= unity8
Xmir :0 -rootless -flatten -sw --desktop_
env DISPLAY=:0 gedit
and then Alt+Tab.
Observed: Parts of the window in the switcher are discoloured/whiter. This is Unity8 treating the uninitialized X byte as an alpha byte. Although even RGBA windows get discoloured with low values of A.
Observed: In the background the fullscreen blur is also faulty -- it's clearer and not blurred in the same regions as are affected by the first issue.