(20時54分30秒) nobuto: It's a l10n problem. Another firefox extensions, such as unity-firefox-extension, has a integration with Launchpad in translations.
(20時55分46秒) nobuto: Can you take a look into unity-firefox-extension and apply those mechanism into ubufox?
(20時58分01秒) chrisccoulson: nobuto, no, the code in unity-firefox-extension only works for properties files, and not dtd files
(20時58分24秒) chrisccoulson: when i get the chance to integrate launchpad translations with firefox and ubufox, it will be done properly
(20時59分42秒) nobuto: chrisccoulson: the message proposing restart is in .properties files. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/ubufox/raring/view/head:/locale/ja/ubufox-restart.properties
(21時00分50秒) chrisccoulson: nobuto, but it also has translations in dtd files, and more could appear as i make changes
(21時01分44秒) nobuto: chrisccoulson: OK, thanks.
(20時54分30秒) nobuto: It's a l10n problem. Another firefox extensions, such as unity-firefox- extension, has a integration with Launchpad in translations. extension and apply those mechanism into ubufox? extension only works for properties files, and not dtd files bazaar. launchpad. net/~ubuntu- branches/ ubuntu/ raring/ ubufox/ raring/ view/head: /locale/ ja/ubufox- restart. properties
(20時55分46秒) nobuto: Can you take a look into unity-firefox-
(20時58分01秒) chrisccoulson: nobuto, no, the code in unity-firefox-
(20時58分24秒) chrisccoulson: when i get the chance to integrate launchpad translations with firefox and ubufox, it will be done properly
(20時59分42秒) nobuto: chrisccoulson: the message proposing restart is in .properties files. http://
(21時00分50秒) chrisccoulson: nobuto, but it also has translations in dtd files, and more could appear as i make changes
(21時01分44秒) nobuto: chrisccoulson: OK, thanks.