[ Gary Lasker ]
* data/ubuntu-software-center.desktop.in,
- launch the new UI using 'software-center', add script
to launch the old version if feeling nostalgic (LP: #839257)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/views/appdetailsview_gtk.py:
- fix incorrect ellipsize for title and summary in the
details view (LP: #842271)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/panes/availablepane.py,
- hide the search field when in the purchase
view (LP: #844883)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/views/catview_gtk.py:
- don't create the what's new panel if we don't have the
corresponding category (LP: #835129)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/panes/installedpane.py:
- fix crash in rebuild_categorised_view while viewing
installed items (LP: #834260)
* test/gtk3/test_catview.py,
- fix unit tests
* setup.py:
- fix build error when merging authors list
* merged lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/pyflakes-fixes, no
user visible changes, only code cleanup
* po/software-center.pot:
- refresh .pot file
[ Matthew McGowan ]
* data/ui/gtk3/css/softwarecenter.css,
- fix grey addon label, only pkgname should be grey
(LP: #838607)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/description.py,
- description formatting improvements, update unit test
* data/ui/gtk3/css/softwarecenter.css,
- use css to set border-radius of cellrenderer button
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/views/appview.py:
- disable appcount display at the bottom of list views
for now to allow keyboard scrolling to work (LP: #830258)
* lp:~mmcg069/software-center/lobby-tweaks:
- restore tile borders but disable the checkerboard
rendering, color tweaks and other improvements to the
title area visuals
* merge lp:~mmcg069/software-center/image-data-cleanup:
- cleanup unused image files (LP: #839736)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/panes/softwarepane.py:
- fix doubled search results (LP: #840235)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/app.py:
- fix "Copy Web Link" feature (LP: #830291)
[ Andrea Cimitan ]
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/symbolic_icons.py:
- Fix blurriness of toolbar icons, reduce shadow alpha level
[ Kiwinote ]
* remove the old webkit ui
* remove the need for dummy-screenshot-ubuntu.png (LP: #837223)
* data/ui/gtk3/SoftwareCenter.ui,
- make all the accelerators work again (LP: #640426, LP: #660050,
LP: #828233, LP: #830238, LP: #834988, LP: #843682)
also fixes (LP: #823094, LP: #837062)
* softwarecenter/db/appfilter.py,
- stack of improvements to the supported_only filter and the searchaid
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/app.py,
- make copy web link work for 'for purchase items' (LP: #820999)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/models/pendingstore.py:
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in _render_status_text() (LP: #827495)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/panes/globalpane.py:
- fix halignment of searchbox and backforward in rtl (LP: #842881)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/actionbar.py:
- don't overly expand the button width
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/backforward.py:
- fix rtl breakage (LP: #842848, LP: #842858)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/buttons.py:
- place channel selector popup at correct location for rtl (LP: #842872)
- add currency to paid app tiles (LP: #833801)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/apptreeview.py,
- hide the action button when the pkg is not available (LP: #841459)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/exhibits.py:
- fix text corruption in the default banner (LP: #838244)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/searchaid.py:
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in build_category_path() (LP: #844031)
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in get_suggestions() (LP: #843195, LP: #844639)
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in get_title_text() (LP: #843032)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/searchentry.py:
- use symbolic variant for the search icon (LP: #835529)
* utils/submit_review_gtk3.py:
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in _setup_details() (LP: #834233)
[ Didier Roche ]
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/menubutton.py:
- improvements to menubutton widget (used in OneConf view)
* Add openshot to "Our pick" (LP: #845370)
[ Robert Roth ]
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/models/pendingstore.py:
- fix crash when reinstalling previous purchases (LP: #843766)
* data/ui/gtk3/dialogs.ui:
- add missing border in dialog frame (LP: #844028)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/app.py:
- set minimum window size (LP: #842684)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/description.py:
- fix crash when installing standalone debs (LP: #839113)
- update description focus methods to fix crash (LP: #843317)
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/reviews.py:
- fix duplicated label in reviews area of the details
view (LP: #823255)
-- Gary Lasker <email address hidden> Fri, 09 Sep 2011 11:46:15 -0400
This bug was fixed in the package software-center - 4.1.22
software-center (4.1.22) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Gary Lasker ] software- center. desktop. in, center, center- gtk2, ter/toolkit. py: ui/gtk3/ views/appdetail sview_gtk. py: ui/gtk3/ panes/available pane.py, ter/ui/ gtk3/session/ viewmanager. py: ui/gtk3/ views/catview_ gtk.py: ui/gtk3/ panes/installed pane.py: categorised_ view while viewing test_catview. py, gtk3/test_ panes.py, test_addons. py, test_package_ info.py: center. pot:
* data/ubuntu-
- launch the new UI using 'software-center', add script
to launch the old version if feeling nostalgic (LP: #839257)
* softwarecenter/
- fix incorrect ellipsize for title and summary in the
details view (LP: #842271)
* softwarecenter/
- hide the search field when in the purchase
view (LP: #844883)
* softwarecenter/
- don't create the what's new panel if we don't have the
corresponding category (LP: #835129)
* softwarecenter/
- fix crash in rebuild_
installed items (LP: #834260)
* test/gtk3/
- fix unit tests
* setup.py:
- fix build error when merging authors list
* merged lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/pyflakes-fixes, no
user visible changes, only code cleanup
* po/software-
- refresh .pot file
[ Matthew McGowan ] gtk3/css/ softwarecenter. css, ter/ui/ gtk3/views/ appdetailsview_ gtk.py: ui/gtk3/ widgets/ description. py, ter/utils. py, test_descriptio n_norm. py: gtk3/css/ softwarecenter. css, ter/ui/ gtk3/widgets/ cellrenderers. py: ui/gtk3/ views/appview. py: ui/gtk3/ panes/softwarep ane.py: ui/gtk3/ app.py:
* data/ui/
- fix grey addon label, only pkgname should be grey
(LP: #838607)
* softwarecenter/
- description formatting improvements, update unit test
* data/ui/
- use css to set border-radius of cellrenderer button
* softwarecenter/
- disable appcount display at the bottom of list views
for now to allow keyboard scrolling to work (LP: #830258)
* lp:~mmcg069/software-center/lobby-tweaks:
- restore tile borders but disable the checkerboard
rendering, color tweaks and other improvements to the
title area visuals
* merge lp:~mmcg069/software-center/image-data-cleanup:
- cleanup unused image files (LP: #839736)
* softwarecenter/
- fix doubled search results (LP: #840235)
* softwarecenter/
- fix "Copy Web Link" feature (LP: #830291)
[ Andrea Cimitan ] ui/gtk3/ widgets/ symbolic_ icons.py:
* softwarecenter/
- Fix blurriness of toolbar icons, reduce shadow alpha level
[ Gabor Kelemen ]
* po/POTFILES.in:
- additional i18n fixes (LP: #836346)
[ Kiwinote ] t-ubuntu. png (LP: #837223) gtk3/SoftwareCe nter.ui, ter/ui/ gtk3/app. py: db/appfilter. py, ter/ui/ gtk3/app. py, ter/ui/ gtk3/widgets/ searchaid. py: ui/gtk3/ app.py, ter/ui/ gtk3/widgets/ apptreeview. py: ui/gtk3/ models/ pendingstore. py: status_ text() (LP: #827495) ui/gtk3/ panes/globalpan e.py: ui/gtk3/ widgets/ actionbar. py: ui/gtk3/ widgets/ backforward. py: ui/gtk3/ widgets/ buttons. py: ui/gtk3/ widgets/ apptreeview. py, ter/ui/ gtk3/widgets/ cellrenderers. py: ui/gtk3/ widgets/ exhibits. py: ui/gtk3/ widgets/ searchaid. py: path() (LP: #844031) ui/gtk3/ widgets/ searchentry. py: review_ gtk3.py:
* remove the old webkit ui
* remove the need for dummy-screensho
* data/ui/
- make all the accelerators work again (LP: #640426, LP: #660050,
LP: #828233, LP: #830238, LP: #834988, LP: #843682)
also fixes (LP: #823094, LP: #837062)
* softwarecenter/
- stack of improvements to the supported_only filter and the searchaid
* softwarecenter/
- make copy web link work for 'for purchase items' (LP: #820999)
* softwarecenter/
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in _render_
* softwarecenter/
- fix halignment of searchbox and backforward in rtl (LP: #842881)
* softwarecenter/
- don't overly expand the button width
* softwarecenter/
- fix rtl breakage (LP: #842848, LP: #842858)
* softwarecenter/
- place channel selector popup at correct location for rtl (LP: #842872)
- add currency to paid app tiles (LP: #833801)
* softwarecenter/
- hide the action button when the pkg is not available (LP: #841459)
* softwarecenter/
- fix text corruption in the default banner (LP: #838244)
* softwarecenter/
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in build_category_
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in get_suggestions() (LP: #843195, LP: #844639)
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in get_title_text() (LP: #843032)
* softwarecenter/
- use symbolic variant for the search icon (LP: #835529)
* utils/submit_
- fix UnicodeDecodeError in _setup_details() (LP: #834233)
[ Didier Roche ] ui/gtk3/ widgets/ menubutton. py:
* softwarecenter/
- improvements to menubutton widget (used in OneConf view)
* Add openshot to "Our pick" (LP: #845370)
[ Robert Roth ] ui/gtk3/ models/ pendingstore. py: gtk3/dialogs. ui: ui/gtk3/ app.py: ui/gtk3/ widgets/ description. py: ui/gtk3/ widgets/ reviews. py:
* softwarecenter/
- fix crash when reinstalling previous purchases (LP: #843766)
* data/ui/
- add missing border in dialog frame (LP: #844028)
* softwarecenter/
- set minimum window size (LP: #842684)
* softwarecenter/
- fix crash when installing standalone debs (LP: #839113)
- update description focus methods to fix crash (LP: #843317)
* softwarecenter/
- fix duplicated label in reviews area of the details
view (LP: #823255)
-- Gary Lasker <email address hidden> Fri, 09 Sep 2011 11:46:15 -0400