Comment 28 for bug 478962

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WeatherGod (ben-v-root) wrote : Re: Before Ubuntu upgrade to 9.10, the Rhythmbox side pane had the item "Unknown" which I had to click to play inserted CD's. That's missing, so I can't play CD's. Help! I don't know what to do, if not that?

Doris, this was very useful information, and you did wonderfully. From this information, I can see that your computer is trying to talk to the CD player, but isn't quite doing it correctly. This is definitely a bug.

What I would like to try next is to get your computer fully-up-to-date. Most likely, your upgrade process was fine, and you likely came from 9.04, 8.10, or 8.04. But first, before we update your computer, it is always good practice to make sure all your files are backed up on your thumb drive.

Your thumb drive is 1 GB, which *should* be fine for holding the most important files that most people have. Insert the thumb drive into the computer. The window for that drive will open up. Then go to "Places"->"Home" to open your home folder. You can copy the contents of your folders by clicking and dragging the folder to the window for your thumb drive. I don't know what are your most important files, but I would guess the files in the "Documents" and "Pictures" and "Videos" would be most important.

Once done, you can then right-click the thumb drive's icon and choose "Safely remove drive". You may still get a message that the device is busy, just wait a moment, and it should tell you that it is safe to remove. You are absolutely right that the choices are confusing. There are subtle differences, but they aren't important to regular users, and all would do effectively the same thing.

Once you have backed up your important files, it is time to update. What that message most likely meant is that you need to first update *only* those packages first, then reboot, and then finish updating the rest of them. So, unselect all of the other packages for updates and see how that goes.

As for your question about why I "bother" to help you. It is because I personally believe that Ubuntu is a viable alternative for folks like yourself. I want to make sure that Ubuntu "just works" for people like you. This problem with the CD drive is unacceptable to me and must be fixed. Also, I want to see Ubuntu get a good reputation, and word-of-mouth is important.