If you download the latest Feisty beta your problem should be solved; try going to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current then download the feisty-desktop-i386.iso and burn it to a CD. This LiveCD should work. If you don't know how to burn an ISO to a CD, please visit:
If you download the latest Feisty beta your problem should be solved; try going to http:// cdimage. ubuntu. com/daily- live/current then download the feisty- desktop- i386.iso and burn it to a CD. This LiveCD should work. If you don't know how to burn an ISO to a CD, please visit:
https:/ /help.ubuntu. com/community/ BurningIsoHowto
alternatively: www.petri. co.il/how_ to_write_ iso_files_ to_cd.htm or http:// www.psychocats. net/ubuntu/ iso (if you are currently using Windows)
Good luck