Hello Giovanni,
This isn't the right way to report a bug.
It's highly dispersive to open and observe all the screenshot one by one.
It's better describe the steps to reproduce the bug one by one, and at the limit, just to clarify or if you havent got a way to better explain, attach one or two screenshot or one screencast.
plus seems to me that the translation deadline comes in 19 April, http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,497930.0.html
A bug report to be efficient need to be short, detailed and expressive.
Hello Giovanni, forum.ubuntu- it.org/ index.php/ topic,497930. 0.html
This isn't the right way to report a bug.
It's highly dispersive to open and observe all the screenshot one by one.
It's better describe the steps to reproduce the bug one by one, and at the limit, just to clarify or if you havent got a way to better explain, attach one or two screenshot or one screencast.
plus seems to me that the translation deadline comes in 19 April, http://
A bug report to be efficient need to be short, detailed and expressive.