On Sunday 11,April,2010 02:39 AM, Sense Hofstede wrote:
> Chow Loong Jin pointed out that this is not an issue with the way
> banshee-extension-appindicator is packaged, but by the way
> 'libappindicator0-cil' is packaged. The way it is currently done is in
> violation of the Debian Policy and makes ${cli:Depends} work incorrect
> for packages that want to use libappindicator0-cil.
> He said he would try to solve this bug.
Solved. Please refer to the CLI policy[1] when doing any packaging work that
involves CLI libraries in the future to avoid these kinds of errors.
affects ubuntu/indicator-application
status triaged
After this is uploaded, banshee-community-extensions will have to be rebuilt for
the changes to propagate. Other reverse-depends might need to be rebuilt as
well, but I'm not sure if any exist.
affects ubuntu/banshee-community-extensions
status triaged
assignee hyperair
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG: 0x8F02A411)
Ubuntu Developer
On Sunday 11,April,2010 02:39 AM, Sense Hofstede wrote: extension- appindicator is packaged, but by the way r0-cil' is packaged. The way it is currently done is in 0-cil.
> Chow Loong Jin pointed out that this is not an issue with the way
> banshee-
> 'libappindicato
> violation of the Debian Policy and makes ${cli:Depends} work incorrect
> for packages that want to use libappindicator
> He said he would try to solve this bug.
Solved. Please refer to the CLI policy[1] when doing any packaging work that
involves CLI libraries in the future to avoid these kinds of errors.
[1] http:// pkg-mono. alioth. debian. org/cli- policy/
affects ubuntu/ indicator- application
status triaged
After this is uploaded, banshee- community- extensions will have to be rebuilt for
the changes to propagate. Other reverse-depends might need to be rebuilt as
well, but I'm not sure if any exist.
affects ubuntu/ banshee- community- extensions
status triaged
assignee hyperair
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG: 0x8F02A411)
Ubuntu Developer