Comment 5 for bug 281670

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Shaun Crampton (fasaxc) wrote :

I've now upgraded to Intrepid where it is possible to print to a smaller size sheet. However, the process is clunky. The PC in question belongs to my mum and it's too complicated for her to use (and hence broken as far as she's concerned). To justify my comment, printing to a 6x4 piece of photo paper in photo quality mode (an obvious thing to want to do in a photo program!) requires many steps that have to be done in order before every print (or at least once per session):
 - Go to Photo menu (unfamiliar, when every other program my mum's ever used calls this menu "File").
 - Select "Page setup"
 - Select the specific printer.
 - Select the paper size. <- missing this step results in printing an A4 page onto 6x4! Why can't it just do the right thing??
 - Click Apply.
 - Select the photos you want to print.
 - Go to the Photo menu.
 - Select print.
 - Select the specific printer.
 - Select advanced tab.
 - Select print quality.
 - Select page setup tab.
 - Select paper type.
For my mum, selecting the papersize and quality isn't easy, but having to select the papersize and printer twice in two separate dialog boxes is terrible.

I think for photo printing a wizard approach would be a lot easier. Why not ask just a few questions like
 - Which printer would you like to use?
 - What size of paper? (with a list including all common sizes)
 - What quality?
 - How many photos per sheet? (with thumbnail previews to click on)