I made a patch for fixing this bug, basically I added "/var/lib/boinc-client" to common-defs.h file.
So now when you fopen the path should make boinc point to the right file, could you (when the build will be successful) try this version? boinc - 7.0.47+dfsg-0~1007 in my ppa https://code.launchpad.net/~costamagnagianfranco/+archive/boinc
this version should fix this long stading bug
I made a patch for fixing this bug, basically I added "/var/lib/ boinc-client" to common-defs.h file.
So now when you fopen the path should make boinc point to the right file, could you (when the build will be successful) try this version? /code.launchpad .net/~costamagn agianfranco/ +archive/ boinc
boinc - 7.0.47+dfsg-0~1007 in my ppa
this version should fix this long stading bug