I think the bug here is not that controls in general should be allowed on the left; that would be a recipe for Android-style inconsistency.
Rather, the bug is that checkboxes and radio marks are on the right when they should *always* be on the left. Putting them on the right is inconsistent with PC, and also makes them look too similar to switches. This confused one of the participants I observed in this month's usability testing: "There's a slight inconsistency. I can see on this screen the Silent Mode has a green tick option with a cross next to it, whereas the vibration has just a tick. I'm not sure why that difference is there."
I think the bug here is not that controls in general should be allowed on the left; that would be a recipe for Android-style inconsistency.
Rather, the bug is that checkboxes and radio marks are on the right when they should *always* be on the left. Putting them on the right is inconsistent with PC, and also makes them look too similar to switches. This confused one of the participants I observed in this month's usability testing: "There's a slight inconsistency. I can see on this screen the Silent Mode has a green tick option with a cross next to it, whereas the vibration has just a tick. I'm not sure why that difference is there."