> We need to make possible to use controls what capture the swipe gestures in the tabs.
This can be done now in QML. Flickables do what you'd expect, the topmost takes the gesture and decides to accept it or pass it below. Similar to MouseAreas. For case that there's a MouseArea inside a Flickable, MouseArea has a "preventStealing" property, which when turned on, will ensure that the MouseArea receives all mouse events, and so a swipe gesture won't be grabbed by the Flickable that contains it. We need to update things like slider to use this.
> We need to make possible to use controls what capture the swipe gestures in the tabs.
This can be done now in QML. Flickables do what you'd expect, the topmost takes the gesture and decides to accept it or pass it below. Similar to MouseAreas. For case that there's a MouseArea inside a Flickable, MouseArea has a "preventStealing" property, which when turned on, will ensure that the MouseArea receives all mouse events, and so a swipe gesture won't be grabbed by the Flickable that contains it. We need to update things like slider to use this.