commit 95e1c2f00bda95ed49f13879a83ca4fcbf054a1a
Author: Andrew Lazarev <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 30 16:38:06 2014 -0700
Migrated unit tests to testtools
Main changes:
* testtools checks that base setUp is called
* assertRaises doesn't return context
* testtools inherits from unittest (not unittest2) and doesn't have
specific compare functions in py2.6
* Integration tests will be tracked separately (bp: it-testtools)
* Migration to oslotest will be tracked separately (bp: oslotest)
* bug #1325108 is out of scope of this CR
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/96979 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ sahara/ commit/ ?id=95e1c2f00bd a95ed49f13879a8 3ca4fcbf054a1a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 95e1c2f00bda95e d49f13879a83ca4 fcbf054a1a
Author: Andrew Lazarev <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 30 16:38:06 2014 -0700
Migrated unit tests to testtools
Main changes:
* testtools checks that base setUp is called
* assertRaises doesn't return context
* testtools inherits from unittest (not unittest2) and doesn't have
specific compare functions in py2.6
* Integration tests will be tracked separately (bp: it-testtools)
* Migration to oslotest will be tracked separately (bp: oslotest)
* bug #1325108 is out of scope of this CR
Implements blueprint: ut-testtools
Closes-Bug: #1179009
Change-Id: I85f0ea1aa972ff 68ddd1817ec936a 8c26312f041