The thing here is that there were two revisions held for manual review (presumably because it was requested explicitly by the publisher). Revision 17 and 18 were set for manual review.
Trying to rerun automated review on revision 18 resulted in the above error.
Trying to rerun automated review on revision 17 (the first in the revision sequence that was marked for manual review) worked well.
Once revision 17 was left in a finalized state (approved in this case, but could also have been failed), then rerunning automated review on revision 18 worked as intended.
The Sentry ID shows this error message:
InvalidTransitionError: Can not transition via submit_to_review_queue from ManualReviewPendingState
Thanks for filing this!
I looked into it a bit more with Emilia.
The thing here is that there were two revisions held for manual review (presumably because it was requested explicitly by the publisher). Revision 17 and 18 were set for manual review.
Trying to rerun automated review on revision 18 resulted in the above error.
Trying to rerun automated review on revision 17 (the first in the revision sequence that was marked for manual review) worked well.
Once revision 17 was left in a finalized state (approved in this case, but could also have been failed), then rerunning automated review on revision 18 worked as intended.
The Sentry ID shows this error message:
InvalidTransiti onError: Can not transition via submit_ to_review_ queue from ManualReviewPen dingState