Sometimes agent didn't respond to VMs' DNS queries
in vDNS mode. It was related to memory with the response being freed,
before Pkt0Interface::WriteHandler have been called.
With this fix, we will ensure that the memory won't be
freed until the handler of async_write function is called.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/46275 github. com/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ 535ae429fa4e8c6 3ad61ddfca222aa f4e3719870
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul v3 CI (<email address hidden>)
Branch: master
commit 535ae429fa4e8c6 3ad61ddfca222aa f4e3719870
Author: Arkadiusz Kudan <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 17 18:09:04 2018 +0200
Fix vDNS responding on Windows
Sometimes agent didn't respond to VMs' DNS queries :WriteHandler have been called.
in vDNS mode. It was related to memory with the response being freed,
before Pkt0Interface:
With this fix, we will ensure that the memory won't be
freed until the handler of async_write function is called.
Change-Id: I07734c22be4134 fc22ad1625064d7 afb6a3391b7
Partial-Bug: #1737177