This bug was fixed in the package nova - 2:18.0.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0
nova (2:18.0.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0) bionic-rocky; urgency=medium
* New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
nova (2:18.0.3-0ubuntu1) cosmic; urgency=medium
* d/gbp.conf: Create stable/rocky branch.
* d/p/disk-size-live-migration-overcommit.patch: Cherry-picked from to ensure proper disk calculation
during live migration with over-commit (LP: #1744079).
* New stable point release for OpenStack Rocky (LP: #1806049).
This bug was fixed in the package nova - 2:18.0. 3-0ubuntu1~ cloud0
nova (2:18.0. 3-0ubuntu1~ cloud0) bionic-rocky; urgency=medium size-live- migration- overcommit. patch: Cherry-picked from /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 602477 to ensure proper disk calculation
* New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
nova (2:18.0.3-0ubuntu1) cosmic; urgency=medium
* d/gbp.conf: Create stable/rocky branch.
* d/p/disk-
during live migration with over-commit (LP: #1744079).
* New stable point release for OpenStack Rocky (LP: #1806049).