From the LP# 1947046 > This bug was fixed in the package grub2 - 2.06-2ubuntu5
According to
Stable 20221029.0: ❯ strings grubaa64.efi | grep grub.ubuntu grub.ubuntu,1,Ubuntu,grub2,2.04-1ubuntu47.4,
The candidate 20230111.0: ❯ strings grubaa64.efi | grep grub.ubuntu grub.ubuntu,1,Ubuntu,grub2,2.04-1ubuntu47.5,
It seems that we need to promote a new candidate for the bootloader
From the LP# 1947046
> This bug was fixed in the package grub2 - 2.06-2ubuntu5
According to http:// images. ephemeral- v3/
Stable 20221029.0: 1,Ubuntu, grub2,2. 04-1ubuntu47. 4,https:/ /www.ubuntu. com/
❯ strings grubaa64.efi | grep grub.ubuntu
The candidate 20230111.0: 1,Ubuntu, grub2,2. 04-1ubuntu47. 5,https:/ /www.ubuntu. com/
❯ strings grubaa64.efi | grep grub.ubuntu
It seems that we need to promote a new candidate for the bootloader