For Rocky Linux 9, Kayobe will now disable STP on a bridge by default,
to preserve compatibility with network scripts, as Network Manager
enables STP on all bridges by default.
Enabling STP can lead to port down event if BPDU guard is enabled
on the switch.
For CentOS Stream 8 and Rocky Linux 8 enabling STP is not supported.
Closes-Bug: #2028775
Change-Id: I35eaa92f4243af00697306aa801e5a733885ce4f
(cherry picked from commit f1fd127c34f07624b472e07c3e589080499b29dd)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /kayobe/ +/891755 /opendev. org/openstack/ kayobe/ commit/ 967c4beff86689f aba679f55255f92 d23505ced1
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/yoga
commit 967c4beff86689f aba679f55255f92 d23505ced1
Author: Bartosz Bezak <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 27 13:11:12 2023 +0000
Add STP option for bridge interfaces
For Rocky Linux 9, Kayobe will now disable STP on a bridge by default,
to preserve compatibility with network scripts, as Network Manager
enables STP on all bridges by default.
Enabling STP can lead to port down event if BPDU guard is enabled
on the switch.
For CentOS Stream 8 and Rocky Linux 8 enabling STP is not supported.
Closes-Bug: #2028775
Change-Id: I35eaa92f4243af 00697306aa801e5 a733885ce4f 4b472e07c3e5890 80499b29dd)
(cherry picked from commit f1fd127c34f0762