config: Persist ip value to zk only in request context.
Also store the uuid of the object in zk for tracking purpose.
On port-update with fixed-ips in body, only create iip for
new ips. Earlier implementation would reserve same ip twice
(new iip created before deleted).
Closes-Bug: #1442404
(cherry picked from commit b9b9e4258847840351eb2b2d432637d8cd96736b)
(cherry picked from commit f82c19b05a9bc34b01b7287a3efe04b9974cb71f)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/41974 github. com/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ 54f7c5fa69f6c45 bf02acc615fd76f 549ce3c05d
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul (<email address hidden>)
Branch: R2.21.x
commit 54f7c5fa69f6c45 bf02acc615fd76f 549ce3c05d
Author: Suresh Venkata <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Apr 16 12:21:34 2018 -0700
config: Persist ip value to zk only in request context.
Also store the uuid of the object in zk for tracking purpose.
On port-update with fixed-ips in body, only create iip for
new ips. Earlier implementation would reserve same ip twice
(new iip created before deleted).
Closes-Bug: #1442404 351eb2b2d432637 d8cd96736b) b01b7287a3efe04 b9974cb71f)
(cherry picked from commit b9b9e4258847840
(cherry picked from commit f82c19b05a9bc34
Change-Id: I92b8d2fa3a1224 e299ed575559c8f db660b5ea4e