Comment 0 for bug 1951182

Revision history for this message
Nobuto Murata (nobuto) wrote : ERROR cannot deploy bundle: while adding pending resource info for "core": bad resource metadata: bad info: bad metadata: resource missing filename

Exported bundle cannot be used for another deployment with an error:

ERROR cannot deploy bundle: while adding pending resource info for "core": bad resource metadata: bad info: bad metadata: resource missing filename

$ juju version

How to reproduce:
1. juju bootstrap aws/ap-northeast-1
2. juju deploy etcd -n3
3. juju export-bundle > exported_bundle.yaml
4. juju add-model another-model
5. juju deploy ./exported_bundle.yaml

Located charm "etcd" in charm-hub, channel stable
Executing changes:
- upload charm etcd from charm-hub for series focal with revision 634 with architecture=amd64
- deploy application etcd from charm-hub on focal with stable
ERROR cannot deploy bundle: while adding pending resource info for "core": bad resource metadata: bad info: bad metadata: resource missing filename

series: focal
    charm: etcd
    channel: stable
    revision: 634
      core: 0
      etcd: 3
      snapshot: 0
    num_units: 3
    - "0"
    - "1"
    - "2"
    constraints: arch=amd64
    constraints: arch=amd64
    constraints: arch=amd64