Exported bundle cannot be used for another deployment with an error:
invalid storage "data" in application "etcd": cannot parse count: count must be greater than zero, got "0"
After deleting the storage section by hand, then I get the following next:
ERROR cannot deploy bundle: while adding pending resource info for "core": bad resource metadata: bad info: bad metadata: resource missing filename
$ juju version
How to reproduce:
1. juju bootstrap aws/ap-northeast-1
2. juju deploy etcd -n3
3. juju export-bundle > exported_bundle.yaml
4. juju add-model another-model
5. juju deploy ./exported_bundle.yaml
ERROR cannot deploy bundle: the provided bundle has the following errors:
invalid storage "data" in application "etcd": cannot parse count: count must be greater than zero, got "0"
After deleting the "storage:" from the bundle, then:
Located charm "etcd" in charm-hub, channel stable
Executing changes:
- upload charm etcd from charm-hub for series focal with revision 691 with architecture=amd64
- deploy application etcd from charm-hub on focal with stable
ERROR cannot deploy bundle: while adding pending resource info for "core": bad resource metadata: bad info: bad metadata: resource missing filename
series: focal
charm: etcd
channel: stable
revision: 691
core: 0
etcd: 3
snapshot: 0
num_units: 3
- "0"
- "1"
- "2"
constraints: arch=amd64
data: loop,0,1024
constraints: arch=amd64
constraints: arch=amd64
constraints: arch=amd64
Experiencing this issue on 2.9 and 3.0 edge on two different machines.
I can deploy graylog fine on its own, but once in a bundle it does not work and will throw the above error. See stacktrace:
Located charm "telegraf" in charm-store, channel stable rabbitmq- server from charm-store on focal using rabbitmq-server
Located charm "thruk-agent" in charm-store, channel stable
Executing changes:
- add new machine 0
- add new machine 1
- add new machine 2
- add new machine 3
- add new machine 4
- add new machine 5
- add new machine 6
- add new machine 7
- add new machine 8
- add new machine 9
- add new machine 10
- add new machine 11
- add new machine 12
- add new machine 13
- add new machine 14
- add new machine 15 (bundle machine 18)
- add new machine 16 (bundle machine 19)
- upload charm landscape-server from charm-store for series bionic with architecture=amd64
- upload charm rabbitmq-server from charm-store for series focal with architecture=amd64
- upload charm mongodb from charm-store for series focal with architecture=amd64
- add new machine 17 (bundle machine 20)
- upload charm graylog from charm-store for series focal with architecture=amd64
- upload charm elasticsearch from charm-store for series focal with architecture=amd64
- deploy application landscape-server from charm-store on bionic
- deploy application landscape-
- upload charm postgresql from charm-store for series bionic with architecture=amd64
- deploy application graylog-mongodb from charm-store on focal using mongodb
- add lxd container 10/lxd/0 on new machine 10
- deploy application graylog from charm-store on focal
ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cs:graylog-55 resource "core": bad metadata: resource missing filename
➜ ~ juju deploy ./lma.yaml
➜ ~ JUJU juju
➜ ~ juju deploy graylog
Located charm "graylog" in charm-hub, revision 55
Deploying "graylog" from charm-hub charm "graylog", revision 55 in channel stable on focal
Issue bundle:
series: focal
# This is Management network, unrelated to OpenStack and other applications
# OAM - Operations, Administration and Maintenance
oam-space: &oam-space oam-space
# nagios-context should be bootstack- customerA- locationB- cloudname
nagios-context: &nagios-context TODO
# NTP configuration
ntp-source: &ntp-source "ntp.ubuntu.com"
# KVMs
constraints: tags=nagios
series: bionic
constraints: tags=grafana
constraints: tags=landscapeha
constraints: tags=landscapesql
series: bionic
constraints: tags=landscapeamqp
constraints: tags=elastic
constraints: tags=landscape
series: bionic
constraints: tags=landscapeamqp
constraints: tags=landscapesql
series: bionic
constraints: tags=prometheus
constraints: tags=graylog
constraints: tags=landscape
series: bionic
constraints: tags=landscapeamqp
constraints: tags=elastic
constraints: tags=landscape
series: bionic
constraints: tags=elastic
constraints: tags=graylog
constraints: tags=graylog