Comment 6 for bug 1232112

Revision history for this message
Linus Bobcat (biobunny-exe) wrote :

IMO, Switchboard shouldn't restore session. In most cases one would finish a task, and then close Switchboard. But upon opening Switchboard again, the person might not want to do what the original task. For example:

- User opens Switchboard
- User links a new account to Online Accounts
- User closes Switchboard
- User finds a cool wallpaper online
- User opens Switchboard intending to change the wallpaper
- Switchboard opens to the Online Accounts plug.

This especially becomes a strange behaviour as some plugs are rarely used or set and forget: Keyboard, Mouse, Network, About. It would be better UX to not assume what the user would want to do upon launch and let him/her choose, it's really easy to find out where everything is anyway.