Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit f2b02d3666cf2c4b1fc57763292a6cce08630544 Author: Meg McRoberts <email address hidden> Date: Wed Jan 28 12:07:27 2015 -0800
Add ping to the list of commands needed for cygwin
This should be applied to master, stable/6.0, and stable/5.1
Change-Id: Ia591b151dc05d560b11f39cf3adb5301b4059f15 Partial-Bug: 1412459
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/150948 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ fuel-docs/ commit/ ?id=f2b02d3666c f2c4b1fc5776329 2a6cce08630544
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit f2b02d3666cf2c4 b1fc57763292a6c ce08630544
Author: Meg McRoberts <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 28 12:07:27 2015 -0800
Add ping to the list of commands needed for cygwin
This should be applied to master, stable/6.0, and stable/5.1
Change-Id: Ia591b151dc05d5 60b11f39cf3adb5 301b4059f15
Partial-Bug: 1412459