Comment 0 for bug 891452

Revision history for this message
Andre Massing (massing) wrote :

in void EpetraMatrix::init(const GenericSparsityPattern& sparsity_pattern) the lines

    // Finalise map. Here, row_map is standing in for RangeMap, which is
    // probably ok but should be double-checked.
    matrix_map.GlobalAssemble(domain_map, row_map);

causes the matrix_map to be filled/finalized according to
having the signature is
int GlobalAssemble (const Epetra_Map &domain_map, const Epetra_Map &range_map, bool callFillComplete=true)

A filled matrix_map in turn will trigger an automatic fill of the matrix and thereby making
the argument bool finalize in the assemble function useless if Epetra is used as backend.