in void EpetraMatrix::init(const GenericSparsityPattern& sparsity_pattern) the lines
// Finalise map. Here, row_map is standing in for RangeMap, which is
// probably ok but should be double-checked.
matrix_map.GlobalAssemble(domain_map, row_map);
A filled matrix_map in turn will trigger an automatic fill of the matrix and thereby making
the argument bool finalize in the assemble function useless if Epetra is used as backend.
in void EpetraMatrix: :init(const GenericSparsity Pattern& sparsity_pattern) the lines
try map.GlobalAssem ble(domain_ map, row_map); map.OptimizeSto rage();
// Finalise map. Here, row_map is standing in for RangeMap, which is
// probably ok but should be double-checked.
causes the matrix_map to be filled/finalized according to trilinos. sandia. gov/packages/ docs/r10. 8/packages/ epetra/ doc/html/ classEpetra_ _FECrsGraph. html#a59a372d22 7393f5f54c5ff79 17806813 e=true)
having the signature is
int GlobalAssemble (const Epetra_Map &domain_map, const Epetra_Map &range_map, bool callFillComplet
A filled matrix_map in turn will trigger an automatic fill of the matrix and thereby making
the argument bool finalize in the assemble function useless if Epetra is used as backend.