This bug was fixed in the package octavia-dashboard - 11.0.0-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0
octavia-dashboard (11.0.0-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0) jammy-antelope; urgency=medium
* New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
octavia-dashboard (11.0.0-0ubuntu1.1) lunar; urgency=medium
[ Corey Bryant ]
* d/gbp.conf: Create stable/2023.1 branch.
[ David Negreira ]
* d/p/fix-popover-attributes.patch: Fix popover attributes in member add
dialog. Using popovers in the member table is broken in chrome 114,
because of their new "popover" feature (LP: #2024188).
This bug was fixed in the package octavia-dashboard - 11.0.0- 0ubuntu1. 1~cloud0
octavia-dashboard (11.0.0- 0ubuntu1. 1~cloud0) jammy-antelope; urgency=medium popover- attributes. patch: Fix popover attributes in member add
* New update for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
octavia-dashboard (11.0.0-0ubuntu1.1) lunar; urgency=medium
[ Corey Bryant ]
* d/gbp.conf: Create stable/2023.1 branch.
[ David Negreira ]
* d/p/fix-
dialog. Using popovers in the member table is broken in chrome 114,
because of their new "popover" feature (LP: #2024188).