On a fresh devstack install with the q-dns service enable from the neutron devstack plugin, some features still don't work, e.g.:
$ openstack subnet set private-subnet --dns-publish-fixed-ip BadRequestException: 400: Client Error for url:, Unrecognized attribute(s) 'dns_publish_fixed_ip'
$ openstack port create p1 --network private --dns-name p1 --dns-domain a.b. BadRequestException: 400: Client Error for url:, Unrecognized attribute(s) 'dns_domain'
The reason seems to be that https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/686343/31/neutron/common/ovn/extensions.py only added dns_domain_keywords, but not e.g. dns_domain_ports as supported by OVN
On a fresh devstack install with the q-dns service enable from the neutron devstack plugin, some features still don't work, e.g.:
$ openstack subnet set private-subnet --dns-publish- fixed-ip tion: 400: Client Error for url: https:/ /10.250. 8.102:9696/ v2.0/subnets/ 9f50c79e- 6396-4c5b- be92-f64aa0f25b eb, Unrecognized attribute(s) 'dns_publish_ fixed_ip'
$ openstack port create p1 --network private --dns-name p1 --dns-domain a.b. tion: 400: Client Error for url: https:/ /10.250. 8.102:9696/ v2.0/ports, Unrecognized attribute(s) 'dns_domain'
The reason seems to be that https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /neutron/ +/686343/ 31/neutron/ common/ ovn/extensions. py only added dns_domain_ keywords, but not e.g. dns_domain_ports as supported by OVN