As an interesting workaround, you might configure your shell to show you "bzr nick" of where you are working. Because that will show you the name of the loom you are working on. You can do it in bash with something like:
PS1='\u@\h \w {$(bzr nick 2>/dev/null)}\n\$ '
That gives a 2-line prompt which looks like:
jameinel@host ~/working/directory {nick} $ <your command here>
I have mine tweaked a bit to not show nick if I'm not in a directory, and to color the whole thing as I like it.
That would actually give you the information *before* you commit, rather than after.
Just a thought.
As an interesting workaround, you might configure your shell to show you "bzr nick" of where you are working. Because that will show you the name of the loom you are working on. You can do it in bash with something like:
PS1='\u@\h \w {$(bzr nick 2>/dev/null)}\n\$ '
That gives a 2-line prompt which looks like:
jameinel@host ~/working/directory {nick}
$ <your command here>
I have mine tweaked a bit to not show nick if I'm not in a directory, and to color the whole thing as I like it.
That would actually give you the information *before* you commit, rather than after.
Just a thought.