Still no tahoma (and tahomabd) in Jaunty. As a workaround, this script will do it for you.
[ ! -f /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/tahoma.ttf -o ! -f /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/tahomabd.ttf ] && wget && cabextract -F 'tahoma*ttf' IELPKTH.CAB && mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/ && mv -f tahoma*ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/ && chmod 644 /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/tahoma* && fc-cache -v && rm -f IELPKTH.CAB && echo "Installed Tahoma"
Run it as root. What it does is: 1. Check whether you already have the fonts; if so exit. 2. Get the file Microsoft distribute. 3. Extract the fonts we care about. 4. Move them into place. 5. Update the font config caceh. 6. Tidy up.
Still no tahoma (and tahomabd) in Jaunty. As a workaround, this script will do it for you.
[ ! -f /usr/share/ fonts/truetype/ msttcorefonts/ tahoma. ttf -o ! -f /usr/share/ fonts/truetype/ msttcorefonts/ tahomabd. ttf ] && download. microsoft. com/download/ ie6sp1/ finrel/ 6_sp1/W98NT42KM eXP/EN- US/IELPKTH. CAB && fonts/truetype/ msttcorefonts/ && fonts/truetype/ msttcorefonts/ && fonts/truetype/ msttcorefonts/ tahoma* &&
wget http://
cabextract -F 'tahoma*ttf' IELPKTH.CAB &&
mkdir -p /usr/share/
mv -f tahoma*ttf /usr/share/
chmod 644 /usr/share/
fc-cache -v &&
rm -f IELPKTH.CAB &&
echo "Installed Tahoma"
Run it as root. What it does is:
1. Check whether you already have the fonts; if so exit.
2. Get the file Microsoft distribute.
3. Extract the fonts we care about.
4. Move them into place.
5. Update the font config caceh.
6. Tidy up.