The English language is not very fertile hunting ground for this one. Possibilities that point to the functionality rather pointing at the person are 'login', 'id', handle'. The second is so negatively ubiqitous it suffers more than the term we're trying to replace, the latter is too geeky. Combinations of words might work.
Better proposal: Ubuntuize it. Like the word Ubuntu brings values and ethos to the distro then another (African?) word could greet the user as they're asked to make their first interaction with their system. Other languages would use the same word, reinforcing it culturally.
Whether the label would need to fit *all* user scenarios or whether it'd be too difficult to differentiate between types of system are considerations which we should leave up in the air at this stage.
I doubt I could list 'all' the locations but I sure could try and make a start!
The English language is not very fertile hunting ground for this one. Possibilities that point to the functionality rather pointing at the person are 'login', 'id', handle'. The second is so negatively ubiqitous it suffers more than the term we're trying to replace, the latter is too geeky. Combinations of words might work.
Better proposal: Ubuntuize it. Like the word Ubuntu brings values and ethos to the distro then another (African?) word could greet the user as they're asked to make their first interaction with their system. Other languages would use the same word, reinforcing it culturally.
Whether the label would need to fit *all* user scenarios or whether it'd be too difficult to differentiate between types of system are considerations which we should leave up in the air at this stage.
I doubt I could list 'all' the locations but I sure could try and make a start!