Comment 9 for bug 871801

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package compiz - 1:

compiz (1: precise; urgency=low

  * debian/compiz-kde.install, debian/control, debian/rules:
    - disable right now kde build for compiz-kde package. It's using
      deprecated kde libraries and fails to build on armel. It's
      probably as well not needed anymore as most of kde users are using
      kwin which is better integrated to kde than compiz. There is not
      anymore upstream compiz maintenance on this plugin as well.
      (LP: #931500)
  * debian/patches/fix_931958.patch:
    impossible to click on keyring dialog since the upgrade. Doesn't really
    fix 931958 as per say, but another issue impacting seahorse.
  * debian/patches/fix_871801.patch:
    window management, alt-tab - After using 'show desktop' to minimise
    all windows, opening any new window also incorrectly restores all
    the minimised windows (LP: #871801)
  * debian/patches/fix_925293.patch:
    Add support for key "tap" detection (LP: #925293)
  * debian/patches/fix_933226.patch:
    Fix FTBFS in previous commit (LP: #933226)
  * debian/patches/fix_932087.patch:
    Initialize the _NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED (LP: #932087)
  * debian/patches/fix_931473.patch:
    - Menus don't fully appear (LP: #931473)
    - Rendering menus leaves transparent areas (LP: #932813)
  * debian/patches/fix_931927.patch:
    - Customized shortcuts don't work in compiz 1:
      (LP: #931927). Breaks API/ABI.
 -- Didier Roche <email address hidden> Thu, 16 Feb 2012 15:11:51 +0100