* apport/report.py, test/test_report.py: handle the fact that gdb now
returns a different error message for truncated core files in some cases.
* bin/oem-getlogs: add in script for getting hardware enablement related
logs. Thanks to Yuan-Chen Cheng for the code. (LP: #1841157)
* apport/hookutils.py: also gather lsusb -v and lsusb -t. Thanks to
Yuan-Chen Cheng for the patch.
* bin/oem-getlogs: Various pep8 / pyflakes fixes.
-- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Fri, 13 Dec 2019 08:41:58 -0800
This bug was fixed in the package apport - 2.20.11-0ubuntu14
apport (2.20.11-0ubuntu14) focal; urgency=medium
* apport/report.py, test/test_ report. py: handle the fact that gdb now hookutils. py: also gather lsusb -v and lsusb -t. Thanks to
returns a different error message for truncated core files in some cases.
* bin/oem-getlogs: add in script for getting hardware enablement related
logs. Thanks to Yuan-Chen Cheng for the code. (LP: #1841157)
* apport/
Yuan-Chen Cheng for the patch.
* bin/oem-getlogs: Various pep8 / pyflakes fixes.
-- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Fri, 13 Dec 2019 08:41:58 -0800