> Ross Patterson wrote:
>> Public bug reported:
>> In CMFCore/exportimport/content.py:201, the title and description for
>> the newly created content are set but nothing is done to reindex the
>> objects so that the catalog will reflect the new values. It seems that
>> the solution might be as simple as adding "content.reindexObject()"
>> after "content.setDescription(description)".
> -1. Generally speaking, doing incremental indexing during bulk
> operations is a lose: I would rather disable even the minimal "after
> add" indexing than add more of it.
But then how can I write a profile that will make some small content
changes to a large sire that won't require a lengthy catalog reindex?
Tres Seaver <email address hidden> writes:
> Ross Patterson wrote: exportimport/ content. py:201, the title and description for reindexObject( )" setDescription( description) ".
>> Public bug reported:
>> In CMFCore/
>> the newly created content are set but nothing is done to reindex the
>> objects so that the catalog will reflect the new values. It seems that
>> the solution might be as simple as adding "content.
>> after "content.
> -1. Generally speaking, doing incremental indexing during bulk
> operations is a lose: I would rather disable even the minimal "after
> add" indexing than add more of it.
But then how can I write a profile that will make some small content
changes to a large sire that won't require a lengthy catalog reindex?