I've noticed the random order problem too and found this existing bug report.
One way that gives me sort of a work-around is to order the notebooks list
every time by clicking the header "Notebook" of the 1-column-table "Open Notebook - Zim".
Then at least you get a fix lexicographic ordering.
I'm using zim 0.60, 0.62 and 0.63. My observation with random notebooks.list
ordering is only related to the new zim 0.63. Before you could drag and drop
notebooks to set a wanted sequence order.
I've noticed the random order problem too and found this existing bug report.
One way that gives me sort of a work-around is to order the notebooks list
every time by clicking the header "Notebook" of the 1-column-table "Open Notebook - Zim".
Then at least you get a fix lexicographic ordering.
I'm using zim 0.60, 0.62 and 0.63. My observation with random notebooks.list
ordering is only related to the new zim 0.63. Before you could drag and drop
notebooks to set a wanted sequence order.
(Ubuntu 14.04).