Currently functional test base class "zaqar.tests.functional.base.FunctionalTestBase" is written to recreate Bootstrap object and to open/close database connections on each execution of setUp(self) method.
Functional test base class "zaqar.tests.functional.base.FunctionalTestBase" can be modified to make these things reusable across all test cases of each particular subclass of it.
I tried it and it makes functional tests execution in non-integration mode up to 4-5x times faster! No problems detected.
I can propose a change
Functional tests in integration mode can be accelerated too up to 7x times.
As you may see class attribute "server" is not actually reusable. The server is terminated after each test case execution:
But there's a problem. When I make it reusable, 8 tests out of 219 fail - few tests in "TestPools" and "TestHealth" classes.
These tests must be adapted to make them work with reusable "server" if we want to accelerate functional tests in integration mode.
Currently functional test base class "zaqar. tests.functiona l.base. FunctionalTestB ase" is written to recreate Bootstrap object and to open/close database connections on each execution of setUp(self) method.
Functional test base class "zaqar. tests.functiona l.base. FunctionalTestB ase" can be modified to make these things reusable across all test cases of each particular subclass of it.
I tried it and it makes functional tests execution in non-integration mode up to 4-5x times faster! No problems detected.
I can propose a change
Also: /github. com/openstack/ zaqar/blob/ master/ zaqar/tests/ functional/ L91
Functional tests in integration mode can be accelerated too up to 7x times.
As you may see class attribute "server" is not actually reusable. The server is terminated after each test case execution:
see: https:/
But there's a problem. When I make it reusable, 8 tests out of 219 fail - few tests in "TestPools" and "TestHealth" classes.
These tests must be adapted to make them work with reusable "server" if we want to accelerate functional tests in integration mode.