What if system does not have xfce4-session installed? Does xfce4-power-manager let you change the setting in its own UI then? (In my Ubuntu Studio 14.04 the option is dimmed and can not be used there; same thing with Hibernate and Suspend.) As for xfce4-session-logout and Action Buttons on panel, I think the clearest and most flexible way would be to add (optional) items for both suspend and suspend with lock (and same thing for hibernate, if that has not been dropped off).
What if system does not have xfce4-session installed? Does xfce4-power-manager let you change the setting in its own UI then? (In my Ubuntu Studio 14.04 the option is dimmed and can not be used there; same thing with Hibernate and Suspend.) As for xfce4-session- logout and Action Buttons on panel, I think the clearest and most flexible way would be to add (optional) items for both suspend and suspend with lock (and same thing for hibernate, if that has not been dropped off).