After setting the screensaver lock timeout to 10 minutes, waiting 10 minutes, and then activating the screen, the password entry does not allow text input and the user is locked out.
1. Note: You'll need more than 20GB of disk space and configure Docker with 4GB or more of RAM. For detailed instructions, see the Lab PDF at
2. docker run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --ulimit core=-1 --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=-1 --shm-size="256m" --rm -p 9080:9080 -p 9443:9443 -p 9043:9043 -p 9081:9081 -p 9444:9444 -p 5901:5901 -p 5902:5902 -p 3390:3389 -p 22:22 -p 9082:9082 -p 9083:9083 -p 9445:9445 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 -p 12000:12000 -p 12005:12005 -it kgibm/fedorawasdebug
3. The container is fully started after about 2 minutes when the output shows: = READY =
4. Remote into the docker image with password 'websphere' (no quotes). Linux: vncviewer localhost:5902. Mac: open vnc://localhost:5902. Windows: Remote desktop (see lab instructions), or use a free VNC client.
5. Open Settings > Screensaver and change the timeout to 10 minutes
6. Idle for 10 minutes
7. Activate the screen
8. Try to type in the password 'websphere' (no quotes) but typing does not work.
9. User is locked out.
The image is built using the following three layers of Dockerfiles (instructions on how to build each Dockerfile are in comments at the top of the Dockerfile):
After setting the screensaver lock timeout to 10 minutes, waiting 10 minutes, and then activating the screen, the password entry does not allow text input and the user is locked out.
Demonstration: https:/ / com/watch? v=tUqdmKIucbM
To reproduce, use this Docker image: https:/ /hub.docker. com/r/kgibm/ fedorawasdebug
1. Note: You'll need more than 20GB of disk space and configure Docker with 4GB or more of RAM. For detailed instructions, see the Lab PDF at https:/ /raw.githubuser content. com/kgibm/ dockerdebug/ master/ fedorawasdebug/ WebSphere_ Application_ Server_ Troubleshooting _and_Performanc e_Lab_on_ Docker. pdf debug :5902. Windows: Remote desktop (see lab instructions), or use a free VNC client.
2. docker run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --ulimit core=-1 --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=-1 --shm-size="256m" --rm -p 9080:9080 -p 9443:9443 -p 9043:9043 -p 9081:9081 -p 9444:9444 -p 5901:5901 -p 5902:5902 -p 3390:3389 -p 22:22 -p 9082:9082 -p 9083:9083 -p 9445:9445 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 -p 12000:12000 -p 12005:12005 -it kgibm/fedorawas
3. The container is fully started after about 2 minutes when the output shows: = READY =
4. Remote into the docker image with password 'websphere' (no quotes). Linux: vncviewer localhost:5902. Mac: open vnc://localhost
5. Open Settings > Screensaver and change the timeout to 10 minutes
6. Idle for 10 minutes
7. Activate the screen
8. Try to type in the password 'websphere' (no quotes) but typing does not work.
9. User is locked out.
The image is built using the following three layers of Dockerfiles (instructions on how to build each Dockerfile are in comments at the top of the Dockerfile):
1. Fedora image: https:/ /github. com/kgibm/ dockerdebug/ blob/master/ fedoradebug/ Dockerfile /github. com/kgibm/ dockerdebug/ blob/master/ fedorajavadebug /Dockerfile /github. com/kgibm/ dockerdebug/ blob/master/ fedorawasdebug/ Dockerfile
2. Java image: https:/
3. Final image: https:/
For those unfamiliar with Docker, if you want to debug the issue after it occurs, you may "login" to the running container using:
docker ps
Take the container ID and then:
docker exec -it $containerid bash