Comment 35 for bug 1259339

Revision history for this message
Nicholas Nelson (nenelson1981) wrote :

#31 Thank you so much. This problem was driving me nuts.
On a side note if anyone is interested in having the screen wake up when the laptop is set to do nothing when closing the lid I have found the following works.

1. Use the directions on the following site to create the appropriate files in the /etc/acpi and /etc/acpi/events directory:

2. Paste the following lines into the script (don't forget to make the script executable):


sleep 5
sudo -u <user_name_here> env DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/xrandr --auto

3. Restart ACPI

sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart

Hope this works for you!! Thanks to everyone who contributed to this post.