Comment 13 for bug 581157

Revision history for this message
robtreed (robt4reed) wrote :

I had no trouble with Ubuntu 10.04 and this bug, however after installing
Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 2 on second drive I get similar type of message that Larry Martin.

"{Alert! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk b3674ec4-xxx....... does not exist

  Dropping to a shell

  BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu xxxxxxx.....1) built in shell (ASH)
  enter 'help' for a list of commands


I also receive a disk read time out error.

I found that by waiting at initramfs prompt until machine is not active (Light Off) and typing "exit" machine will boot from drive. (one that says it can not find)

Robert Reed