Comment 9 for bug 217348

Revision history for this message
Agostino Russo (ago) wrote :

The find syntax has been changed slightly in grub4dos. Now it is: find --set-root=/relative/path /path/to/file/to/search

Please do the following test.

Within a wubi installation edit /boot/grub/menu.lst so that the #groot line reads:

#groot=find --ignore-floppies --set-root=/ubuntu/disks /ubuntu/disks/boot/grub/menu.lst

Save and run:

sudo update-grub

Then in Windows unpack the attached into both C:\ (or whatever is your boot drive) and C:\ubuntu\winboot. Make sure that any existing wubildr* file is overwritten with the new ones. Then try to boot into Ubuntu. More points if you have multiple disks.