Comment 2 for bug 1596270

Revision history for this message
Ramiro (ramirocantu) wrote : Re: WingPanel crashes with some electron apps like GPMDP

Loki Release: Wingpanel Crahes when using Sound Indicator to pause music from GPMDP (an electron app)
Attached is a Screenshot with audio muted, in order to avoid copyright law.

Wingpanel Log:
ramiro@ramiro:~$ wingpanel
[INFO 12:45:44.298415] Application.vala:155: System Panel version: 2.0.1
[INFO 12:45:44.298452] Application.vala:157: Kernel version: 4.4.0-36-generic
[FATAL 12:45:44.349256] wingpanel_widgets_overlay_icon_set_main_icon_name: assertion 'self != NULL' failed
[FATAL 12:45:44.349573] wingpanel_widgets_overlay_icon_set_main_icon_name: assertion 'self != NULL' failed
[FATAL 12:45:44.381818] [AccountsService] act_user_get_user_name: assertion 'ACT_IS_USER (user)' failed
[17:45:44.433423 GLib-GIO-Critical] g_file_get_child: assertion 'G_IS_FILE (file)' failed
[17:45:44.433444 GLib-GIO-Critical] g_file_query_exists: assertion 'G_IS_FILE(file)' failed
[17:45:44.433457 GLib-GIO-Critical] g_file_get_child: assertion 'G_IS_FILE (file)' failed
[17:45:44.433460 GLib-GIO-Critical] g_file_query_exists: assertion 'G_IS_FILE(file)' failed
[17:45:44.433467 Critical] gee_abstract_collection_get_size: assertion 'self != NULL' failed
[17:45:44.433490 Warning] Theme.vala:508: Currently selected gtk+ theme 'elementary' does not provide a dock theme, fallback to the built-in defaults!
[17:45:44.499500 GLib-Critical] g_hash_table_get_keys: assertion 'hash_table != NULL' failed
[17:45:44.712379 GLib-GIO-Warning] Received property Rate with type y does not match expected type d in the expected interface
[17:45:44.712397 GLib-GIO-Warning] Received property Volume with type y does not match expected type d in the expected interface
[17:45:44.712403 GLib-GIO-Warning] Received property Position with type u does not match expected type x in the expected interface
[17:45:44.712407 GLib-GIO-Warning] Received property MinimumRate with type y does not match expected type d in the expected interface
[17:45:44.712412 GLib-GIO-Warning] Received property MaximumRate with type y does not match expected type d in the expected interface
[17:45:44.806555 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[17:45:44.811513 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Key file does not have key 'Type' in group 'Desktop Entry'
[17:45:44.816131 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to get exec for Other
[17:45:44.821346 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[17:45:44.821440 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[17:45:44.821528 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[17:45:44.821622 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo

** (process:5830): CRITICAL **: string_contains: assertion 'self != NULL' failed
** (process:5830): CRITICAL **: string_contains: assertion 'self != NULL' failed
[17:45:44.899244 Info] Tweaks.vala:68: Activating tweaks plug
[17:45:52.889379 Warning] Indicator.vala:367: Unable to close sound notification: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed:
[17:46:21.286964 Warning] MprisGui.vala:176: Could not play/pause: Timeout was reached
[17:46:21.288725 Critical] Manager.vala:55: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.bluez: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out