I met the same problem that frustrates me.
And I thought some thing can be done in file:/src/Widgets/DisplayWidget.vala
line 69-71: private void update_revealer () { percent_revealer.reveal_child = Services.SettingsManager.get_default ().show_percentage && allow_percent; }
I would be much grateful if this bug can be fixed, and I'm willing to help to test.
I met the same problem that frustrates me.
And I thought some thing can be done in file:/src/ Widgets/ DisplayWidget. vala
http:// bazaar. launchpad. net/~elementary -pantheon/ wingpanel- indicator- power/master/ view/head: /src/Widgets/ DisplayWidget. vala
line 69-71:
percent_ revealer. reveal_ child = Services. SettingsManager .get_default ().show_percentage && allow_percent;
private void update_revealer () {
I would be much grateful if this bug can be fixed, and I'm willing to help to test.