Although we should avoid adding too many selection features, using click/drag would be another consideration, similar to utorrent's scheduler. If you have a block of 4x4 wares currently set, you could click and hold on one, drag the mouse over all icons and it would select all of them.
Although we should avoid adding too many selection features, using click/drag would be another consideration, similar to utorrent's scheduler. If you have a block of 4x4 wares currently set, you could click and hold on one, drag the mouse over all icons and it would select all of them.
As with SirVer I often use warehouses for "construction outposts" - to store wares needed for construction. Being able to select all of these wares (e.g. stone, marble+columns, trunks, wood) with one click would be really helpful. I have created a <a href="http:// wl.widelands. org/forum/ topic/1013/">forum post and <a href="https:/ /blueprints. launchpad. net/widelands/ +spec/warehouse -profile">blueprint</a> for this feature.