Comment 9 for bug 536583

Revision history for this message
Raul Ferriz (raul.ferriz) wrote :

Hello again SirVer and all others Widelands Developers!

My progress stalled long time ago, more or less at same time when I start to not write anything here ( march or april, I don't remember exactly). I had not free time because of new responsabilities at work and until last month with wedding preparations (yeah, now I'm a married man!). Actually I only have enought time to read mails sent by launchpad, but not enought time to develop things, by now. May be I would have enought free time to work again on Widelands ( I would love to participate on Widelands Tournament, but was impossible to get the time), but at least until end of current year this would not happen, sorry.

If I my memory works good, all my code is on launchpad. If not, then I can search throught my code on home, may be still is there, but I don't promise anything because my disk die some months ago and I'm not sure if that code was on my backups.