As far as I can recall, one major problem was that most values were handled by floating-point numbers. She converted many of them to integer since floating-point calculations can be different depending on platform and compiler.
Maybe there are some floating-point operations left that will have different results and lead to a desync? The desync with the ships was definitely solved with the aforementioned branch.
GunChleoc already tackled the problems with ships, as reported in bug 1800338 (as far as I remeber no AI where invloved, but don't quote me on that).
Here is the branch that was merged:
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~widelands -dev/widelands/ terrain_ affinity_ as_int/ +merge/ 358299
As far as I can recall, one major problem was that most values were handled by floating-point numbers. She converted many of them to integer since floating-point calculations can be different depending on platform and compiler.
Maybe there are some floating-point operations left that will have different results and lead to a desync? The desync with the ships was definitely solved with the aforementioned branch.