Comment 6 for bug 1803107

Revision history for this message
hessenfarmer (stephan-lutz) wrote :

Interesting thing is that the Version of Glbinding hasn't changed between the last green appveyor build and the first red one. Also boost version hasn't changed.
Changes in MSYS2 I could identify from the log were:

Sdl2 2.0.8  2.0.9
Fluidsynth 1.1.11  2.0.0
glib2 2.56.1  2.58.1
harfbuzz 1.8.8  2.1.0
opus 1.3 (not part of the chain previously)
opusfile 0.11 (not part of the chain previously)
sdl2mixer 2.0.2  2.0.4