Comment 10 for bug 1801722

Revision history for this message
Benedikt Straub (nordfriese) wrote :

1) It´s *much* more triggerhappy than in b19, which I frequently discover to my disadvantage in normal games :D But even so, it´s a bit reluctant at times and prefers to wait until it is almost certain of victory (or really desperate). But my AI player can afford to take chances, as he cannot be defeated (thanks to a "guardian angle" script that saves it from too-good players ;) )
2) It´ll be a waste of resources if they get a whole mining infrastructure for no purpose. Worst of all, no mines can be built on the whole map, which will necessarily make the AI very unhappy…
3) The AI already does get some nice cheats – if I give it more, there´s little difference to scripting my own ;)
4) Yep, it should definitely handle that better. Current situation is that it builds no militarysites whatsoever…

And it´s not really that much extra work – on the contrary, I´m enjoying it! My AI is shaping up nicely, it already works pretty well: it can build (and upgrade) a defined set of basic buildings, expand with militarysites, launch attacks (untested), and design a pretty good road network. I´ll next teach it to finetune it´s economy, and then some military strategies.
Performance is not an issue anymore, the gc has to run more often than normal but not very noticeably.

Testing would be very much appreciated – this is 99% untested, as I never got further than the first objective so far because it then depends on the AI behaving as I want it to. (I don´t know yet whether it already behaves as it should now.) You´ll need to compile the lua_playercommands branch and run the scenario (fri03 branch) from there using --datadir …
By the way – fri04 (in the fri03 branch) is already complete :)