Comment 11 for bug 1767187

Revision history for this message
GunChleoc (gunchleoc) wrote :

> Preciousness for Clay for atlanteans not defined in its init.lua file

This is as designed, because Atlanteans don't need clay. Add a check for TribeDescr::hasWare() to get rid of unneeded wares.

> Preciousness for Felling Ax (barbarians) received as: 254

This is a bug and should be caught during tribe loading

> So I understand why kInvalidWare is returned, only it is not reliable - sometime author forgets to insert entry for particular tribe and than it returns preciousness 254. We should somehow distinguish if ware is indeed invalid or just forgotten in init.lua files..

Agreed. We could probably use INVALID_INDEX here, but it probably needs to be implemented into Tribes::postload and throw a GameDataError there. I am writing this from memory though, I haven't looked at the actual code.