Comment 23 for bug 1649958

Revision history for this message
GunChleoc (gunchleoc) wrote : Re: Work on Toggle-Editor-Views

I don't think we need an extra indicator at this point - we have much more important fishes to fry coding-wise. If you would enjoy working on an indicator yourself and can find a good way to make one, there will be no objections though :)

I see no harm in creating more hotkeys without making them configurable at once - hotkey use is optional, so it gives faster access to the tools for people who do a lot of map editing.

I would like to implement a graphical dropdown menu that comes up from the bottom, so it will be feasible to have them in the future. I need to clear my backlog of branches first though.

We could have v for the overlays and b for the immovables.

n is available for for noise height, what is h being used for?